Thriving Well Institute Cooking School

Want to learn more about:
- Eating Clean and Healthy
- Batch Cooking
- Knife Skills
- Freezable Soups
- Seafood Secrets
- Stocking your pantry
- Saving time and money
Introducing the Thriving Well Institute Cooking School!
Megan and her Chef husband, Freeman Gunnell will collaborate on these courses and share important tips from a home cook and a professional chef's perspective on the fundamentals of making your home cooking safer, more enjoyable and more delicious!
Take 1, 2 or all 3 classes.
Get a discount and SAVE when you buy all 3!
Classes will take place on Sunday afternoons from 3-5pm at Cornwall Bakery , 15215 Kercheval Ave., Grosse Pointe, MI. 48230.
All classes come with a TWI cooking school binder.
Class 1 - The Basics - Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm
$68.00 - $108.00
Class Overview
- Learn the important fundamentals of being a great home cook!
- Learn how to stock your kitchen like a chef so you always have the ingredients on hand to make delicious, healthy, simple meals.
- Learn basic knife skillsĀ
- Learn how to make freezable soups that you can take to work for lunch, or defrost for a quick, healthy, weeknight dinner
Optional Supply Kit (additional $40)
- Includes mason jars, glass containers for freezable soups and a TWI apron
Class 2 - Batch Cooking, Mason Jar Salads and Quiche - Sunday, Jan. 26, 2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm
$68.00 - $108.00
Class Overview
- Learn the secrets of batch cooking so you can prep healthy meals and snacks for a couple hours on a Sunday and eat clean all week
- Learn how to make mason jar salads for a fresh healthy lunch option that last for 5 days in the fridge.
- Learn how to make a super simple quiche with whatever veggies you have on hand - good for breakfast, lunch or dinner!
Optional Supply Kit (additional $40 - recommended)
- Includes mason jars, glass food storage containers and a TWI apron
Class 3 - Cooking Seafood Successfully! - Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm
$68.00 - $108.00
Class Overview
- Learn how to prepare perfect salmon every time
- Learn to make a delicious fish taco dish as a healthy alternative to beef or pork
- Learn to make shrimp curry with vegetables and rice
Optional Supply Kit (additional $40 - recommended)
- Includes mason jars, glass food storage containers and a TWI apron
Winter Cooking Class Bundle
$160.00 - $200.00
Includes all 3 Classes
- Class 1 - The Basics - Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm
- Class 2 - Batch Cooking, Mason Jar Salads and Quiche - Sunday, Jan. 26, 2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm
- Class 3 - Cooking Seafood Successfully! - Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Optional Supply Kit - Additional $40 - recommended
- Includes mason jars, glass food storage containers and a TWI apron