You're Invited to the Thrive Summit, 2023
A Conference & Retreat for Therapists
Earn CEU's
Feb. 23-26, 2023
El Mangroove, Costa Rica
Ready to be inspired by innovative and cutting edge speakers?
Ready to get CEU's AND luxuriate at a stunning resort on the ocean in Costa Rica?
Ready for yoga, massages, delicious food and adventures like zip lining, paddle boarding, kayaking, boating, jet skiing, biking, horseback riding on the beach, volcano tours and more?
Ready to learn in morning sessions, then spend the afternoons by one of the many beautiful pools at the resort or on the ocean?
Ready to get CEU's AND luxuriate at a stunning resort on the ocean in Costa Rica?
Ready for yoga, massages, delicious food and adventures like zip lining, paddle boarding, kayaking, boating, jet skiing, biking, horseback riding on the beach, volcano tours and more?
Ready to learn in morning sessions, then spend the afternoons by one of the many beautiful pools at the resort or on the ocean?
Are you ready to THRIVE?
This Summit will offer up to 15 CEU's
Continuing Education Presentation Topics will include:
- Marketing and Network Building Strategies
- Money Mindset and Limiting Beliefs
- How we Thrive as Therapists
- Building and Scaling our Businesses
- Feeling Revitalized and Avoiding Burnout
- Therapeutic Interventions to Advance our Work as Therapists
- Marketing and Network Building Strategies
- Money Mindset and Limiting Beliefs
- How we Thrive as Therapists
- Building and Scaling our Businesses
- Feeling Revitalized and Avoiding Burnout
- Therapeutic Interventions to Advance our Work as Therapists